FOR, Part 2: “Think Different”
May 9-15, 2021

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“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” - James 1:19

Message Recap

Chances are, your positions are not the primary problem in people believing that you are for them, but your posture toward them. What are you known for? Being FOR people or against them? In order to be FOR the people that God is FOR, we need think differently about our posture, and put that ahead of our positions.

Main Point

Be quick to listen and slow to speak.

Questions for Reflection

Grab a journal and take time working through the questions below.

  1. What is something that often stirs you into argument with someone else? (a political view, a doctrine or religious belief etc). Why does that happen to you?

  2. Is there a person, or group of people in your life that often cause you to become angry? Who? What is it in them or what they believe that creates that emotion in you? What is your natural posture toward them? 

  3. Review James 1:19-21. What is the author saying about our posture toward people? What in this passage is most difficult for you?

  4. Thinking about the people or person in question two, do you believe that God loves them and is FOR them? Fill in the blanks with that person’s name. God loves_________, and God is FOR ____________.

  5. What is one way you’ve been standing in the way of building a relationship with that person or people? What is one way you can begin building and investing in that person or group of people?

  6. When people think about you, what do you want to be known for? Does your posture toward them reflect that? What needs to change.

Yearly Bible Plan

  • Monday: Leviticus 22-23

  • Tuesday: Leviticus 24-25

  • Wednesday: Leviticus 26-27

  • Thursday: Numbers 1-2

  • Friday: Numbers 3-4

  • Saturday: Numbers 5-6

  • Sunday: Numbers 7

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.