T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak

T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak

Do your words fill others with joy or kill their joy? The words we speak to others are a really big deal to Jesus and an issue of obedience. Our obedience to what Scripture teaches is make it or break it in our experience of Jesus…Joy Himself. Choosing to be joy-filling people to others probably affects our joy much more than how they treat or speak to us.

Your Marriage Can Thrive

Your Marriage Can Thrive

This post is a summary from our Your Marriage Can Thrive sermon series. You can listen to the series on our Sermons page. Regardless of the past or what stage your marriage is currently in…your marriage can THRIVE! But a thriving marriage will require… 1. Two good forgivers, 2. Accepting one another’s faults, and 3. Spiritual oneness.

Identified With Jesus

Identified With Jesus

Have you ever noticed yourself behaving like those you’re around? We’re all part of a family in some way, shape, or form. From a young age, we see how children resemble their parents. Kids take on the mannerisms, vocabulary, attitudes, and even beliefs of their parents. How often do you hear, “You remind me so much of your mom/dad”? We become and behave like those we identify with.

Worship Him: Easter Sunday

Worship Him: Easter Sunday

Three days have passed since Jesus was placed in the grave. It’s Sunday morning. Mary Magdalene and some other women converge on the tomb. As they approach, they discover the giant stone that blocked the entrance, has been dislodged and set aside. Mary, in panic, runs to tell Peter and John: “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!”

Serve Him: Maundy Thursday

Serve Him: Maundy Thursday

Our journey through Passion Week takes a somber turn on Thursday. From Bethany Jesus sends Peter and John ahead to a special upper room in Jerusalem to prepare for the Passover meal. After sunset, Jesus takes the place of a house servant and washes the feet of his disciples as they prepared to share the Passover meal together. By performing this humble act of service, Jesus demonstrates, by example, what it truly means for us to love one another.

Enjoy Him: Wednesday

Enjoy Him: Wednesday

The writers of Scripture are silent on what Jesus did on Wednesday of Passion Week. Many scholars speculate he and his disciples spent this day resting in Bethany in anticipation of Passover. It makes sense they would need a break because the last few days appear to be very busy, and no doubt, exhausting. Also, from what we have seen so far, Jesus and his followers do appear to be staying in Bethany. Bethany was close, only about two miles east of Jerusalem. It’s where Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha lived. These three siblings were very close friends of Jesus. It’s extremely likely they hosted him and his disciples during these final days in Jerusalem.

Trust Him: Tuesday

Trust Him: Tuesday

Tuesday, Jesus and his disciples travel again back to Jerusalem from Bethany, past the fig tree Jesus cursed yesterday. Peter excitedly notices the tree has withered and points this out to Jesus. Maybe Peter thinks Jesus will be surprised. Jesus is not surprised. He, instead, uses this incident as an opportunity to teach his disciples about the power of believing God. Withered fig trees pale in comparison to what God can do through us. Faith in God can toss mountains in the sea!

Glorify Him: Monday

Glorify Him: Monday

Just yesterday, Jesus was riding into town on a young donkey colt. Today, we see something entirely different. The Jesus we see today is demanding respect. He is angry and even violent! The Jesus we saw yesterday appears to require very little, just asking for a young donkey to ride on. The Jesus we see today appears to require everything, demanding what he wants and when he wants it.

Rise With Him: Passion Week Intro

Rise With Him: Passion Week Intro

Throughout most of church history, Christians everywhere have set aside these eight days—Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday—as a time of solemn focus and reflection. And there’s good reason for it. These eight days contain the greatest, most dramatic, wholly transformative events in all of human history. They are the epic climax to what is commonly known as “The Greatest Story Ever Told.”

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the FRUIT of the Holy Spirit flow out from us. Take time to think about your interactions, your life, your coming and going and consider…how am I doing in living out these fruit? Consider: Which one of these do I wish, hope, and pray that in yielding my life to God and the Holy Spirit this week that others will see MORE of that they aren’t currently seeing today?

How to Hear the Spirit: Time Alone with God

How to Hear the Spirit: Time Alone with God

If you’ve put your faith in Jesus by asking Him to be the Forgiver of your sins and Leader of your life, the Holy Spirit has made residence in you and is constantly speaking, teaching, and guiding you. Often times, the problem with hearing the Holy Spirit speak has nothing to do with Him being silent, but that the volume of our lives is so loud we can’t hear Him. To hear the Holy Spirit speak clearly, we must intentionally decrease the volume of life.

The Hultgren Twins

The Hultgren Twins

Jameson and Harrison were both born 3 months early at 27 weeks. They weighed just 2lbs 3oz and 2lbs 4oz. They entered this world covered in prayer. Cassie was hospitalized when the boys were 23 weeks and she was able to remain on bedrest and carry the boys to 27 weeks. We spent our days in prayer that we would be able to carry the twins until they were viable.