
Nearlyweds & Newlyweds

7-week class for engaged or newly-married couples

Relevant's Nearlyweds & Newlyweds class exists to point engaged and newly married couples in a healthy direction, and help them take positive first steps in their marriage. You'll meet with seasoned couples who will guide you through the highs and lows of marriage with real-life examples, current information, and wisdom from the Bible. Some of the main topics that will be covered are Why Marriage, Love & Understanding, Communication, Conflict & Forgiveness, Money, and Intimacy. The cost is $35 per couple for the S.Y.M.B.I.S. assessment.

This class is now full - Click here to sign up for our waiting list to receive updates on future classes.

Nearlyweds & Newlyweds Stories

Wedding Ceremony Request

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! We are excited that you have decided to take this important step to share your lives together. If you'd like to request a Relevant Pastor to perform your wedding ceremony, fill out our wedding request form. The cost for each Pastor to perform your ceremony in Omaha is on the form. For weddings located outside of Omaha, travel and lodging expenses need to be covered for the Pastor as well. Once we receive the form, we will review the date to see the availability of the Relevant Pastor for your wedding day.


Email Pastor Nick Petrick at