Group Life and Rhythms

T-Life Groups are small groups of people pursing Jesus together. They meet weekly and are focused on growing spiritually, connecting relationally, impacting those around them. They operate on a trimester system, starting and stopping three times per year in order to rest, recharge, and refill. Below are important group rhythms that help lead people into living a transformed life. Click or tap any of the boxes below to learn more.

Annual Rhythms Overview

The main rhythms of a T-Life Group are the Weekly Group Meeting, Hangouts, and Caring for and Serving one another. Basic information and ideas for each is accessible below.

Weekly Group Meetings

Intentional spiritual and relational growth for discussion and prayer.


Hang Outs

Planned but organic social events for relational development.


Caring & Serving

See a need, meet a need, Have a skill, use the skill.